Sunday, September 28, 2008

Orchids, Part 2

As I promised a few days ago, hear is more of our orchids. We had bought some purple too. Actually six more different orchids, but I will post only four photos, I think it will be enough. All orchids are real beautiful, and maybe one day I will have to post a part 3 as well...not as I would really mind to do that. There is still plenty of space to hang them, and I know sooner or later we will have more. Rather sooner, thinking of it. We found a shop near buy this time, where the seller was really helpful and friendly, and prices are cheap too. A beautiful orchid like on the photo cost only 3$!! Steeling for that price! I hope you like the photos, though they can't fully give back the real look of the flowers, i tried my best!

1 comment:

Aleczandra said...

Those are absolutely beautiful! I love those orchids you have. I wish the ones around here were that beautiful and big. I would love to see more of your flowers that you have there!