Sunday, September 28, 2008

Singapore day and night

Reading that for the first time ever Singapore joined the Formula 1, and with a special night race this weekend, I think it is a good time to post a few words about this city.
I have been there with friends a few years ago, just for a short 3 days trip.
Basically, I should call it two days, as the first was almost gone by the time we got to the hotel. Far from being enough time to see everything, and another excuse to go back again there. I loved Singapore, they really have a lot to see there. I loved that the different kind of cultures seem to co-exist peacefully, as well as the older buildings, and the near by skyscrapers. The place is very clean, and have that safe feeling even in the late night to walk around.And usually i like the late night, as then everything is quiet...or nearly. Asia and Singapore never seems to sleep really.

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