Sunday, November 16, 2008

Taken: a great action movie

We like action movies,and although my favorites are comedies, my wife's first choice is action, so we often watch action movies.
Our recent favorite is Taken.

I didn't have too high expectations, this year so far there wasn't many great action movies, but never the less, gave it a try.
And we were Taken too.
A perfect, fast moving, action movie, with a good percentage of reality feel ( unlike Max Payne for example, a disappointment for us).
Though the film is not overly bloody, nevertheless, it is PG-13, however on some day i think news channel is much worse when it comes to shocking images to kids.
Liam Neeson isn't that well known, but does a great job here.
This film is a great choice if you like good action movie, don't let the less known casting mislead you! Enjoy!

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