Monday, December 22, 2008

Snake attack!!

I don't know, but December looks like a month of the snakes this year. Early in the month I encountered one, which I unfortunately forget to photo with its head still on...
Yes, apologises to all snake lovers, I am sure they are cute animals, and all, but not in my garden, thank you! BTW, that was said to be a poisonous one.

But yesterday, for my surprise my wife woke me up in the morning that there is 2 snakes in the garden. This time I didn't miss to photo them, but they were fast to "run", I think they knew they running for their lives. I found that they probably leave under the roof of my neighbor. They usually stay only for the weekends here, so, probably good place for the snakes to set up their home there. I don't mind if they do, as long as they don't visit me often, or they will run into the machete like their cousin.

The photos not outstanding, as these snakes wasn't there to model for me, remember, they were on the move for their life. The background is courtesy of my neighbor, I believe he could tidy up things a bit, but can I say that loud? Nah...


Anonymous said...

I know these slithery reptiles are suppose to have a purpose, but if these were in my garden they'd be headless too! What kind of snakes are they? Would you believe that where I live in Western Washington state we don't have any poisonous snakes? Too cold for them I guess. We do in eastern WA though, rattlesnakes. Merry Christmas!

tingtong said...

for start:
Merry Xmas to you too :)

Here they have some poisonous too, though someone said this green inst that, last time a smaller brown was said to be one. Or shall i say a head too short brown?