Sunday, September 27, 2009

A little family vacation

Tomorrow we are going to have a little family vacation; going up to the North, flying to Chiang Mai, and plan to look around a bit in the surrounding area as well.
We were lucky enough to secure a real nice deal on AirAsia's flight, costing only about 50$/person the round trip, taxes included.
It pays of if you know in advance when and where you would like to go, chances are you can still find a seat cheap, unlike a few days prior departure.
A hope to take lots of photos, and might post some here, once we are back.
I have been in Chiang Mai already once, 7 years ago, but that time my son didn't born this is first time for him there.
Wish me good weather, suppose to be a bit cooler there, but maybe a pleasant change away from the humid rainy season in the central area where we are.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It has been a long time since....

Yes, indeed it has been a very long time since I wrote here.
I have been busy a bit with work, did another contract on the cruise ship I am working before....and I have to admit that found also a new hobby, what started to develop into something more.
I met forex or FX trading on my way to learn some way to make online income, and it did fast develop into some kind of passion. The simple reason that I fount it to work.
No, it isnt like a secret get fast rich formula, and indeed you have to put actual time into it to do ok, but this is the one and only way I found ( so far) that able to make me more than mere cents, like blogging, or PTC (paid-to click), and in the same time being lots of fun and excitement too.
Anyway, I started to do ok, and develop this hobby to some sort of online business, a progress still on its way.
Maybe in the future I will include a bit details about it, in the meantime I will try to restart posing a few of stories abd photos about travel-me-etc :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Today I came across something new in our local Tesco, what caught my attention: it is called Pepsi Green. I don't know if it is something locally promoted, or worldwide, but my adventurous side got me, so I had one to try it out.

The result of the test:

As you can see above, it is not the battle that green, but the drink itself. The taste? Sort of Pepsi, sweet with no really distinct flavour to name. It is not bad, nor really good in my opinion, say, it is interesting.
If you also have it available, I would like to know your opinion about!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My latest achivement

I know, I know, I am behind posting lately.
It is due I have a new interest, but it is a bit early to talk about it, and part can be contributed to my friends who were nice to spend the New Year and some time after here with us. Oh, and yes, I am lazy a bit too. Sorry.

And now the achievement:
I love books and reading, and since a while my library, even the part I have here, outgrow the capacity of my bookshelf. It was time for a while to get another, and possible bigger one, and finally I found the one I liked.
But as all so often nowadays, it came in a neat long box, with a drawing and endless number of screws. A Lego toy for adults??
Had some other similar furniture experiences already, but neither the living room table, not the TV stand came this numerous pieces and screws, that with my not to pro screwdriver I could not manege in half an hour or less.
Well, this self I could manage only in 2 parts, with a break, as my hands really got tired. But seeing the result, I am happy.
Before you jump to conclusion about prior shelf, I have to say the books you see on the photo ARE NOT my whole library I was telling about! To organize things is a work in progress, and knowing my laziness lately, it might take up to a week to find the " right moment" to do it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

TOP10 Entrecard droppers of December

A bit late to post, but nevertheless big thanks to all the loyal Entrecard visitors!

1. BMWF1Blog
2. Entrecard SEO
3. Good Life Review
4. Brick For Jade
6. Photojournalist !
7. Politics 2000
8. Comedy Plus
9. Free HomeBiz
10. Sports 2000

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

I like to wish a Happy and Prosperous New Year for everyone!

The reason being a little late with my wishes that my best friend and his girlfriend is visiting me, so, spent New Years Eve, and some other days with a little holiday travel.
But now has again some time for myself, and I will try to catch up a bit with the postings I missed.
Expect to see some new posts soon, as well I hope to come with the last month's top droppers list too.