Sunday, September 27, 2009

A little family vacation

Tomorrow we are going to have a little family vacation; going up to the North, flying to Chiang Mai, and plan to look around a bit in the surrounding area as well.
We were lucky enough to secure a real nice deal on AirAsia's flight, costing only about 50$/person the round trip, taxes included.
It pays of if you know in advance when and where you would like to go, chances are you can still find a seat cheap, unlike a few days prior departure.
A hope to take lots of photos, and might post some here, once we are back.
I have been in Chiang Mai already once, 7 years ago, but that time my son didn't born this is first time for him there.
Wish me good weather, suppose to be a bit cooler there, but maybe a pleasant change away from the humid rainy season in the central area where we are.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It has been a long time since....

Yes, indeed it has been a very long time since I wrote here.
I have been busy a bit with work, did another contract on the cruise ship I am working before....and I have to admit that found also a new hobby, what started to develop into something more.
I met forex or FX trading on my way to learn some way to make online income, and it did fast develop into some kind of passion. The simple reason that I fount it to work.
No, it isnt like a secret get fast rich formula, and indeed you have to put actual time into it to do ok, but this is the one and only way I found ( so far) that able to make me more than mere cents, like blogging, or PTC (paid-to click), and in the same time being lots of fun and excitement too.
Anyway, I started to do ok, and develop this hobby to some sort of online business, a progress still on its way.
Maybe in the future I will include a bit details about it, in the meantime I will try to restart posing a few of stories abd photos about travel-me-etc :)